-Added ability to pick up items.
-Ability to throw items.
-Ability to eat items.
-Enemies now hit each other.
-Added basic voice set for the player.
-Fixed some stuff.
-Added goblin pose. (Will probably change the face, he looks kinda dopey atm)
The voice can be turned on with the 2 key. It's lacking some sounds so it's off by default. There will be multiple voices to choose from, in the future.
Test item is in the house, and can be picked up with V.
Dive has been switched to Z
Pressing V when holding the items will eat it.
Pressing attack while holding it will throw it. (won't be as OP in the game as it is now.)
Seems like you have forgotten the color_mod instructions huh?
ReplyDeleteOh and having the dive key on Z puts it far out of reach for people like me who have a QWERTZ keyboard.
I will, was just tired yesterdat.
DeleteNever heard of a Qwertz keyboard. Luckily there will be keybinding later. Current controls are also very temporary, as a I figure out what will be in the game.
Added it.
DeleteQWERTZ just refers to a keyboard where the Z is next to the T and consequently the Y is next to the X.
DeleteThe pick up and trowing was a good idea i like it^^ it feels like the sounds she is making is going the right way i like that too but i dont know why it feels both like its the right sounds and not, for me it might feel more like damage sounds. the stats is now inventory (key I)? will the game be paused when u eat from inventory or will they still attack u? will thet also have sounds? and i feel the same with Demaar the dive key is not really connected and feels far away.
ReplyDeleteThats because it is damage sounds, not all the sounds have been recorded yet.
DeleteThe game won't pause when eating.
Everything will have sounds.
All keys are kinda temporary for now. There will also be keybinding later.
I really like the new dominating scenes for the goblin. Hopefully you find some time to add some anal fun for being a dom and a sub later. =3
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update. I'm curious what's up next now.
ReplyDeleteInventory probably.
DeleteAyy, thanks man. Just curious will charector creation be a thing, or atleast customization
ReplyDeleteYou will be able to play as other characters, but there will be no customization like hair, etc.
DeleteBeing able to pick different voices & turn voices off independent of sex sounds = big win. Really hate when you have to decide between all sound on or all sound off if you don't like the voices.
ReplyDeleteThe stupid, poorly mixed, anime protag voice is what made me quit towergirls quest.
Deletewhen will more enemies be added
ReplyDeleteProbably the 10th
DeleteThis update will be all gameplay updates.
Gotta say, you've come a long way. Kuro was the first H-game I ever bought, but I stopped following your blog after everything went into dev limbo. Boy, am I glad I decided to check before cleaning out the bookmark. The animation flow, h-system and future plans all look amazing.
ReplyDeleteI know it's all waaay far off, but I wanted to make some suggestions that wouldn't be hard to implement (apart from 4), mostly about preg content.
1. Are you planning on making kids able to grow up? For sprites without any "items" (weapons/clothes) representing their growth would be as easy as scaling the sprite. Would work fine for the two you've got so far.
2. I think you've mentioned being able to play as an enemy using transformations. In addition to that you could make the player's grown-up children controllable. An h-roguelike I'm working on has permadeath, but if you have any relatives you can take control of them rather than game-overing - regardless of the species (so you could end up as an animal that can't talk, for example). You're probably not going to go down that route, so a simple interaction that switches control over to them would work.
3. Speaking of controllable enemies, the h-system and controls you've got are perfect for it. Are different enemy types just going to have different stats, or will there be more? For example slugs can't pick up items, harpies can fly instead of jumping, etc.
4. Will monster-monster preg happen?
In any case, keep up the great work! You'll probably get decent support on patreon or subscribestar if you decide to open one for this game, even with no rewards.
1. Kids will probably go directly from being infants to being a sexable age.
Delete2. I'm still not sure how I want to handle this yet, since I think controlling a different character somewhat devalues the notion of interacting with them (since you can make them do things). There won't really be gameovers, just difficult to get out of stats. Grown up kids also won't have equipabble clothing like the player, probably.
3. Female enemies will be able to do most of the things the player can do, but will be limited to their own moves. Male enemies will be more limited, depending on the enemy.
4. There will be female enemy pregnancy.
Yeah, it does feel a lot less "earned" when you can just tap the previously dangerous monster and play an animation. The reason I suggested making kids controllable is cause it's basically a "lore-friendly" gallery mode. In other h-platformers you tend to unlock the animations after seeing it once. Here, you're planning to have a farm, hunger and such, so I assume there'll also be a need to feed your kids. You get fucked (see the animation), feed the result (spend resources to unlock the animation) and when it's grown up you can control it (see it in the gallery). Plus, you've said female monsters are also knock-up able. Together with controllable monsters, it'd mean degenerates like me'd also be able to enjoy incest and/or continuing the player character's family tree. And of course, people who aren't into preg would want a regular gallery too, so there's not much to lose.
DeleteI meant that controlling an entity means you could make them do things (for example you might take control of them, and then make them eat something they wouldn't normally eat, which gives them a sexual trait). As opposed to playing and interacting with the character in order to develop traits.
DeleteThat said, there will be ways of playing without the overhead of normal gameplay, while still feeling like it's not just a gallery.
In that case, you could make it so once a character (any, not just kids) passes a certain hard to reach threshold (relationship, level, amount of food consumed, whatever) they can be controlled. That way they have to be "conquered" before being usable, basically a perk only achievable with a ton of interaction. Or just add a very expensive temporary mind control-ish item/food that forbids using consumable/stat-altering items and level-ups for the duration. Anyway, you know best how stuff will work and I believe in you.
DeleteTime to flip the Patreon back on, friend.
ReplyDeletewhat is the new pose ?
ReplyDeleteoh , still the same domination animation but with goblin i see
ReplyDeleteYup. Later on, any pose will involve one for each side, but for now I'm spending more time on gameplay stuff until there's enough gameplay to "play" the game.
DeleteHello there! i think i have a bit of a problem playing the game now... a few versions ago, i could play the game at a very fluid fps, now with the last two updates the game has been slowing down quite a lot... if i had to guess, in v15 i played at 60 fps, and now the game locks on 30fps for some reason (or if it's just my computer that can't handle the game anymore)
ReplyDeleteDoes the game run at full speed in the house?
Delete-It will be a little hard to explain but:
DeleteI just entered the game when i read your reply and the game was running at 60fps, one thing i have to mention is that the game didn't show the enemies name's for some reason...
-I started touching some keys to see if that was something i made by mistake, it seems like 7-8 keys cut the fps to half, but if i had to guess that's just some stuff you put in there for testing
-I pressed the ''R'' restart key and the enemies names appeared again, and my fps were cut in half again...!
(Sorry if my english is a bit bad, i seriously dont know what might be causing this but the game somehow fixed itself for a moment and i messed it up by reseting the game)
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DeleteI tried again and it seems that the F5 key does solve the fps problem! i dont know what it does exactly, i pressed it once and the game loses a bit of quality but the frames go again to 60 fps, if you press F5 again the game goes back to the previous quality (the standard quality) but your fps remain on 60
DeleteIf you download this version, you can see the fps.
-F deletes enemies
-Del disables shadows
-F5 changes resolution
If you go through those, you will be able to see what your FPS is before and after, which would tell me what's happening.
Here's some screenshots!