No update. Preview.

Won't be an update this weekend.

Decided I wanted an aerial enemy instead (Was funny cause someone commented about a lack of air enemies as I was in the process of making one.)

The previous design will be used, but this one will come first.
Designing a new one sort of took up time for the update, so I don't have time to implement the enemy. Her sprites are done, but she will be implemented next weekend.

She will have a few wind based attacks, including some that blow entities around.


  1. That's fine, take as much time as you need :)

  2. Aerial ennemy AND projectiles? Totally worth the wait.

  3. Another postpone? Well, I am totally ok with waiting, but I feel like you are abusing the delays here now. Every 2 weeks, we are guaranteed to have a delay once. Either stay loyal to your agenda or just openly post the actual (solid) date no matter how late it is because we can wait, but to see someone slowly drifting away from original discipline point is something else, something that discourages the potential audience. Just a word of advice.

    Now let me grab the popcorn before the fanboys arrive and only support you blindly without any intention to provide constructive criticism.

    1. I'm not 100% sure what you mean by this. He posted an update on what he's doing on the day he promised. An update doesn't necessarily have to be an update to the game.

    2. its one man making a side project
      i get annoyed to but even i have chipped in and showed a concept art i made in the hopes of improving the game.
      just give the man some time.
      he has things like work and health to worry about and we cant expect him to devote 100% of his time every day 24/7 to the game.

    3. 4 days postpone for a surprise new character isn't that bad when you think of it. Looks like the dev just got a strike of inspiration last minute and is now stuck with an incomplete character on top of the one that was supposed to make it.

      I don't really see what's the problem with this particular update, since, again, we may get two new characters instead of just one. It's not like he scrapped the axe girl from the game and we'll get only the wind fairy/sprite instead.

      There's clearly things being worked on, it's not some "I did nothing because of X reason" update. Sure, waiting is frustrating, but that's it really.
      A game's developpment is rarely linear, and expecting weekly demos to be consistant is just funny to me because that's not how it usually works past the first couple of basic mechanics.

    4. "openly post the solid date"

      Uh...What? If I knew 100% how long something would take then there wouldn't be delays.


      The original goal of this project is to release a new version regardless of how polished the changes are. In this case, all the changes were new sprites (all of them are done), so there are no changes to see.

    5. "Post a bullshit final date or you are scamming people because you are having delays"

      That is one of the stupidest "constructive criticisms" I've ever read
      I want a finished game ASAP just as much as anyone, but you're a fucking idiot especially because it's a free game and even if he had 0 audience he'd still work on whatever he wants to work on

  4. The sprite is great, but her design is a bit bare-bones. Can't tell what she's supposed to be. A pixie? Some random air wizard?

    harpies when

  5. This is interesting and at the same time it is very good, when creating an entity that uses the sky.
    I can recommend some more movements for her:
    - Surprise attack: fall from the sky to try to catch the player or do some damage.
    - Wind wall: make a wind wall to avoid taking great damage and repulsing thrown objects, it would work as a shield.
    - Grab an object from the ground: grab an object and throw it at the player, (I don't know if that can be done or programmed for her).
    - Hide in trees or bushes: to hide in bushes or trees at night or when spying on the player. (it is to hide from the night enemy, if in the future the night enemy can attack any female enemy and not only the player)
    And I have some questions about her:
    - She will always be floating in the air?, Could she go down to the ground and walk and then float again?.
    - Will she have random color palette like the cat girl?.
    - The animation of the kiss that the cat girl has, do you plan to include her and other female enemies?
    - Will she have voices like the player in the future?.

  6. Heya Ky, might've noticed a slight problem with colourmodding players.

    For whatever reason, going all the way back to v5 (Earliest version i can find on the blog) eye white doesn't actually seem to change. Been trying out a Heartless-inspired look for the player character and her eye white hasn't been changing for whatever reason. Is it intentional?

    1. Wait.. why would you even use v5 if we are 30 updates ahead..?

    2. For testing purpose, probably. The issue was investigated in the discord, let's have it answered it too just in case:

      When using the color_mod, do not modify the defaut skins (currently three columns on the left) and it will work just fine.
      The "issue" probably lies into the fact that the game may compare them default skins to the non-modded color files before applying the new skin, or something similar.

      So, it's not a bug, you're just supposed to start modding at the columns that have only one color.

  7. Hola, just a couple questions for the future of the game;

    Will there be a male playable character in the future?
    If so, will there be H-scenes to go along with it pertaining to the female characters?
    And are there any scenes planned for the flying champ in the near future?

  8. Hey man take all the time you need, its a great game and nobody would rush you! Its most important that you have fun while making it... also if you have a patreon why not link it so we can help support your work?

  9. hope there will be new h scene

  10. Would be entertaining an aerial H scene xd, besides, do you plan to add some terrain where it is more aerial with enemies of this type exclusively?

  11. yo she a CUTIE tho

  12. So any updates on anything else you're working on if this is still only a few days a week?

  13. Replies
    1. Not like we can do anything else than wait anyway... xD

  14. i want this floaty girl and lufu to have PLATONIC HANDHOLDING

  15. Getting Eroico vibes from this one

    1. same author I'm pretty sure

  16. A small idea concerning combat.

    I think it would be great if commonly found enemies had a severely handicapped movement variety.

    For example you would be able to easily outmanoeuvre a slime by simply jumping one block higher and it wouldn't be able to follow you.

    It would give you much needed space to deal with enemies with a more complicated moveset without being swarmed by enemies.

  17. 加油作者 I'm a fan of you from China

  18. Thank you for your hard work, i am wandering if you could not somehow recycle something from your old games, i know Eroico dont have the same sprites but looking at some of the monster girls I would say they could fit in Lufuclad. This could theoretically save you from a ton of work.

    1. The design aspect isn't really what takes time, it's the sprites. The sprite size doesn't match between most of my games, so I generally would not re-use sprites.

    2. Would you by chance have cameos? Maybe the hero of eroico be an npc or the final boss of that game be a shop keep or something? Just a personal thing I think cameos are neat.

    3. There's alot of ways to tackle cameos, but strict recycling isn't usually the most efficient. All time saved in not creating new poses is lost in artstyle translation that, ironically enough, can take as much if not more time that redrawing from scratch while looking at the reference.

      Re-using the designs would be more effective than re-using the sprites themselves.

      That said, I bet everyone would love to see a reference to Eroico's first boss when it comes to Dryads (or even as a sculpture, which size/style as a "piece of art craftable" can be different from the overall game's style) or to Kurovadis's lizards as standard monster, while this blog's design could be like a rare "alpha" variant of the specie.

  19. When is the update ?

    1. he's probably polishing the update, pls be patient

  20. Guys before you go insult him for not publishing it
    please be aware timezones are a thing and we dont know which he is in.

    1. No, I'm not sure why I put 4th.
      I work on it on the weekends, so it's pretty always at the end of the weekend.

    2. dam.. i have embarrassed myself

  21. I have to sleep soon T^T I wanted to see the update.

  22. im in completly agreement with you, the game have so many potential but actually is only a gallery H in a very alpha version, with no game XD take the time you want and bring to us a really great game

  23. for some reason the dive isn't working for me..
    maybe its either a only a problem for me or either the game isn't working properly much because i did it before but then game crashed (which is fine and normal at this point) but then it doesn't anymore.

  24. hiya just played your current version and i love it!!!! my only issuse is turing the voice on crashes that game and i get a strange error log

  25. I miss this so much, it's been almost 4 years

  26. Wow, I finally found what I wanted and it turns out to be an abandoned project, I hope you come back
